Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro

Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro


  • $49.99

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Format: Pre-Owned Game


The evil Electro has always been a deadly enemy with his electricity-based powers. Now, he’s discovered an amazing device that can amplify his powers, making him completely unstoppable! The only way to keep Electro from taking over the world is by capturing the device, and it’s up to Spider-Man to handle the responsibility. Penned by veteran Marvel Comics writer, Stan Lee, the story of the game is straight from the pages of the comic book. Awesome graphics and addicting gameplay mark this incredible sequel to the 2000 SPIDER-MAN.

This Is A Pre-Owned Game. Games include game, cover art, and case. Game data from previous use may be present, but can be overwritten or deleted. Bonus downloadable or promotional content may have already been redeemed. Cleaning and repair was done as required.

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