Format: Pre-Owned Blu-ray
An action film rich with politics, espionage, and complicated characters, Traitor is an engrossing film in which the lines between right and wrong are anything but clear and the threats of terrorism and conspiracy across the globe seem startlingly real. Sadim Horn (Don Cheadle) is a devout Muslim, once trained and employed in engineering and explosives by American Special Forces, who has chosen to settle in Afghanistan. FBI agents Clayton (Guy Pearce) and Archer (Neal McDonough) begin investigating an uncooperative Sadim in an Afghanistan prison because of his connections with terrorist Omar (Saїd Taghmaoui) and, as events unfold, uncover ties between Sadim and several international bombing incidents. As agents Clayton and Archer follow Sadim around the world, Sadim's dedication to his faith becomes abundantly clear, as does his involvement in an international bombing conspiracy. What's less than clear in all the contradictory evidence is the nature of Sadim's role in the conspiracy--specifically, which side he's really fighting for. Traitor is an action-packed, suspenseful film with strong acting talent, a disturbingly real message, and stellar Blu-ray picture and sound that puts viewers right in the middle of the action. Bonus features include audio commentary by director Jeffrey Nachmanoff and Cheadle, an "Action!" featurette about the film's stunts and special effects, a look at the production's exotic filming locations, and BD-live capability. --Tami Horiuchi
DVDs & Blu-ray include disc, cover art, and case. Bonus downloadable or promotional content may have already been redeemed. Promotional items (3-D glasses, figurines, t-shirts, posters, jewelry, books or other non-media items) may not be included. Cleaning and repair was done as required.